This imprint also applies to the Facebook page:
Responsible for the content:
Responsible for the content of this website and Facebook page:
are the managing directors of Northcomp GmbH
Stefan Fornahl & Sebastian Lagoda
Northcomp GmbH
Heinrich-Schicht-Straße 9
42499 Hückeswagen
Phone: +49 (0)2192 9209 0
E-Mail: Send your inquiries to or use our contact form.
Local Court Cologne HRB 38104
Sales tax identification number: DE 120807109
Trademark rights:
NORTHCOMP® and proroll® are registered trademark of the company Northcomp GmbH
The names and brands listed above, as well as all other brands and trademarks reproduced on this website, are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable labelling law and may not be used without the consent of proroll GmbH. The mere mention of a brand name or trademark does not imply that it is not protected by the rights of third parties.
Northcomp GmbH
Communication & Marketing