Ideas become reality with Northcomp

¿Está comenzando su proyecto?

Construcción y planificación

Entwicklung & Werkzeugbau


Fertiges Produkt

Product development

Our design department creates its components on the latest CAD systems.

A tool is manufactured on modern CNC milling machines


On the most modern CNC milling machines we create the later tool form for the aluminium or plastic component.

Aluminum die casting component directly from the mold

Die-cast aluminium

Production of parts on fully automatic aluminium die-casting machines with a clamping force of 320 up to 1600 tons

Surface finishing

All further processing steps are carried out by us, e.g. grinding, polishing and deburring.

aluminium die casting production powdered surfaces in all ral colours possible at northcomp

Powdering or varnishing

We powder-coat or paint the components in any RAL color and according to your wishes

Finished installed aluminum die casting Development on customer product

Finished aluminum die casting product

Many renowned manufacturers entrust us with their projects. Also have a look at other examples of Product developments on.

Aluminium castings

Plastic moulded parts

Polyurethane & foam parts

Wheels & Castors

Do you need a solution from Northcomp?